As a Web designer and logo designer in Singapore, I would stress a Web design questionnaire and a logo design questionnaire play a vital role. What are the questions should you pose to your customers or as a customer what are the information sources you ought to give your web experts. How about we go through every one of the questions that ought to be posed prior to beginning a venture and the appropriate responses the customer should give for the website design questions.

Please tell me about your company
Each website design begins with a comprehension of the business foundation, when you comprehend the business space unmistakably then you can break down the intended interest group more. The overall data which your website expert or your Freelance WordPress Designer requires are the accompanying.
Target Audience ( Websites are planned for producing drives, it is essential to find out about your intended target audience, for eg. on the off chance that you are into style industry are you focusing on children or women or men or is it for all)
How does your organization respond (An overall data about your services or products runs if any will assist with seeing more about your organization)
Approximate number of pages for the website
This data is fundamental for your website specialist to appraise the working hours or to be more exact ascertain the timetable of the task and furthermore a portion of the website experts will have this number of pages to gauge the expense for the project.
Do you currently have a website? Please provide the URL.
In the event that you are employing an website experts for updating your website or a total patch up of your site then it is important to give the current website url to the examination. This data will assist your experts with finding out regarding why your old site didn't assist with fulfilling your requirements.
Do you have the site map or list of pages/tabs ready?
Sitemap is only the rundown of pages that you need in your site. On the off chance that you are uncertain of what are the pages your site should probably have then you can examine with your independent website experts to think of the listed down of pages dependent on your business area. I have recorded underneath the basic pages which each enlightening site ought to have regardless of the space.
List of Pages for an Informational Websites
- Home Page
- About Us Page
- Service Page
- Gallery/Portfolio Page
- Contact Us Page
- FAQ Page
- Terms and Conditions Page
- Privacy Policy Page
- News Page
- Blog Page
You can look over the above list of pages dependent on your inclination. On the off chance that you will build up an eCommerce Website Design for your items with an internet shopping basket then the list of pages would shift. I have additionally given beneath the list of pages an eCommerce Website ought to have and furthermore a portion of the unique pages dependent on some business domains.
- Products Page
- Shipping Page
- Add to Cart Page
- Cart Details Page
- Product Detail Page
- Book an Appointment Page
- Schedule Page
- Login Page
- Sign Up Page
Above are the most regularly utilized pages for a web design, in any case assuming there are any exceptional necessities, you would have those particular pages which you can relate to the assistance of your website specialist.
Name 3 things that are most important about the design of your new website.
This questions assists with understanding the design preferences of your customer and furthermore the reason for this website. This question will assist you with understanding why the customer needs to construct the new website and what are the main things he needs to make with this website. In the event that the customer needs to make brand awareness and make contact information in the website, contact information, modern look, minimal designs.
Name 3 things that are least important in the design of your new website.
A few customers need an online website to feature their business, such customers don't post all the more habitually and in such situations Newsletter subscription, gathering visitors information, hardly any customers don't like to have a lot of image on the site, infographic style images, an excessive amount of activities and so forth
Do you have any color preferences; existing brand colors, and/or colors you wish to include?
It is acceptable to adhere to your image tones, be that as it may if your image tones are excessively delicate, it is a great idea to present a corresponding shading which assists with recognizing the Call to Action fastens and key data to the customers. Your site ought to be founded on the brand colors and you can't veer off much from your unique colors. In the event that you have such a large number of shadings in your logo, picking an essential colors is significant. Your website experts would assist you with the most ideal selection of colors from your logo during the design stage.
Colors you do not wish to include in your website.
Although this inquiry isn't needed when you adhere to your image colors, a few of the entrepreneurs might want to adhere to some essential colors and don't wish to incorporate some free colors and have some color decision.
What are some existing websites that appeal to you? Provide links if possible.
This question assists with understanding the customers plan inclinations, you can realize what are the highlights that look engaging in the website url they give. For instance I have given a portion of the websites beneath to act as an illustration for customers to see how to address these questions.
What are some existing websites that don’t appeal to you? Provide links if possible.
Some of the websites will be fashioned, for instance your rival may have a website which has a boxed format, anyway you lean toward the websites to be fanned out edge to edge. You may feel a few websites are excessively packed with movements or no reasonable perceivability to content. A helpless UI and utilization of text styles or an fashioned style. This question helps your website experts to maintain a strategic distance from the formats which you feel are not happy to have in the new web design. It is also the time to contact your logo design expert to learn about logo design questionnaire for your business.